JOKER FIBER is passionate about offering high speed reliable internet connectivity at competitive pricing as well as best customer service
The jOKER fiBER Group has been successfully engaged in a strategy of growing its domestic operations at record rates, while also maintaining the core strength of its domestic business in Tamil Nadu. In 2016, the group updated its corporate strategy that were presented in the past to a newer, fresher outlook that sets Joker Fiber at the heart of a rapidly evolving Internet industry.
jOKER fiBER's refreshed corporate strategy aims to enhance the company's focus and attention towards the most critical internal and external factors, which will shape its long-term aspirations. jOKER fiBER recognises that within the Indian Internet industry it is facing new and exciting opportunities, the sector is transforming rapidly due to changes in consumption patterns and strong innovations in technology, and the company believes that telecom operators will remain the key enablers of the "Connected Society" of the future. Operators, like Joker Fiber, will play a vital role in enhancing the customer's experience by leveraging their in-depth knowledge of the customer, deploying enabling platforms for the overall industry and providing the much needed access infrastructure. With the increased complexity in the market comes further emphasis on operators to engage collaboratively with newer entrants in the digital world, which jOKER fiBER is embracing through a wide range of nation partnerships.
In the coming years, the sector's growth potential will be driven largely by emerging markets, where jOKER fiBER will continue to play an active role. In jOKER fiBER’s current footprint alone, it is envisaged that there will be significant growth potential in the Internet industry, providing jOKER fiBER ample room for further growth. This growth will be driven primarily by broadband, as well as voice in some markets, and new revenue streams across the company's footprint. The potential opportunities from the enterprise segment, as well as the fixed line business, also remain significant in selected markets. Joker Fiber fully intends to be one of the leaders of this growth and the company's new 'six pillars' strategy captures its plans to achieve that ambition.
jOKER fiBER 2017 vision and mission have been established with these thoughts in mind. The new strategy also has several principal pillars designed to deliver the objectives of the organisation. jOKER fiBER believes that the pillars of Service Offering, Customer Experience, Operational Excellence, Portfolio, One Company and People & Culture are the cornerstones of the organisation’s.
REGION BASED KINGS HELP US TO MAKE THE SMILE JOKER FIBER is passionate about offering high speed reliable internet connectivity at competitive pricing as well as best customer service
QUEENS INITIATES TO MAKE THE SMILE JOKER FIBER is passionate about offering high speed reliable internet connectivity at competitive pricing as well as best customer service
JACKS ARE WITH US CREATING SMILE JOKER FIBER is passionate about offering high speed reliable internet connectivity at competitive pricing as well as best customer service