Providing internet is not only our job. We care about you.

Partners For Hotspots
Enjoy internet access and friend companion, while on the move
Locations available everywhere across the city.
Reliable wireless Internet connection with high broadband speed.
Secure Internet connection at public location.
Suitable log-in methods that would meet your needs and your budget.
Offer Wi-Fi to your customers at your premises, and become Joker Fiber Partner.
Offer Wi-Fi to your customers at your premises, and become Joker Fiber Partner.
Wireless internet will attract customer to your location
Your location will be included on Joker Fiber WiFi Hotspot website for more people to know about it.
New sources for extra income.
The more your customer uses WiFi, the more your revenue is increase.
It helps attract repeat business.
You can choose to give some of your customers free access to your wireless internet, which builds loyalty and repeat business.
Secure your customers wireless internet access.
Protect users information and keeps it secured and private.